CareCollab is a free and voluntary care management service for Medicaid recipients in NYC. Each eligible member is assigned a local New York City Care Manager that works with their existing care team – such as doctors, therapists, social workers, and social service providers – to advocate for the member and their needs.

CareCollab services are available to every interested individual that resides in the 5 boroughs of New York City and falls within the NYS DOH Health Home eligibility requirements.

Senior/Elder Care

Senior/Elder Care

Service connections include: home care, meal delivery, senior daycare and social events, transportation assistance, disability benefits, abuse prevention and legal services, geriatric mental health

Queer Communities

Services connections include: crisis support, group counseling, HIV testing, PrEP medication, abuse prevention and legal services, community events, inclusive reproductive healthcare, queer-inclusive religious services

Queer Communities

Individuals with SMI/SED and SUD

Individuals with SMI/SED and SUD

Services connections include: community behavioral health, supportive housing, peer-support groups, harm reduction, medication management

Criminal Legal System Involved

Services connections include: pretrial and re-entry assistance, employment applications, resume builders, job training, family therapy

Criminal Legal System Involved



Services for veterans, disabled people, single parents, homeless individuals, and more

Eligibility for our NYC Care Management program includes –

Residence in one of the 5 New York City boroughs

Having active Medicaid

Being 21+ in age

Having one of the following medical conditions:

1 qualifying Serious Mental Illness (major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder)

HIV/AIDs diagnosis

Sickle Cell Anemia

Or 2 qualifying chronic conditions